Tag Archives: aquaponics course

Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems

 Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems

Colle Davis, Lead Inventor, showing the interior of a 16' x 33' Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.

Colle Davis, Lead Inventor, showing the interior of a 16′ x 33′ Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.

Our 45 years of experience in aquaponics is now available to teach you how to feed your family FOREVER. [Read our History: CLICK HERE]



Aquaponics is easier and more productive than organic gardening or traditional agriculture and uses 95% less water. Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems also use less electricity and less labor than any other aquaponics system in the world.

interior pfas 1This small Portable Farms© Aquaponics System with 3 separate  24′ grow trays feeds 10 people year round and requires less than 10 minutes a care of day: 1) plant, 2) harvest, 3) feed the fish. REPEAT. Easy.

One 200 sq ft single module of a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System
feeds 8 people.

Want to feed more people? Add more modules.

Well THAT was easy . . .


To view photos of food that is commonly grow in Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems: CLICK HERE.

EMAIL us your questions AFTER you have searched our website for your answers. Please use the SEARCH BOX in the top right hand corner of every page on our website. Spend some time exploring and reading our website prior to contacting us. We receive thousands of phone calls and emails per month and we do our best to address all the answers to common questions on our website. Thank you.

Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems GROW FOOD.

View a  2 minute video clip of the interior of 16 x 33′ Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems

This small 16 x 33′ Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems (in above video) feeds ten people the table vegetables and protein (tilapia) the food they need for optimal health – forever in 528 sq ft total space and 264 square ft grow space. This video has been viewed by more than 54,400 people. 

tokyo bekana colleColle Davis holding Butter Head Lettuce grown in 36 days.


To view photos of fresh food that is commonly grow in Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems: CLICK HERE.

farm 8 18 2012


One module of a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System. 

Colle Davis, Inventor, Portable Farms, holding a 20.5 pound head of Bok Choy grown in 45 days.

Colle Davis, Inventor, Portable Farms, holding a 20.5 pound head of Bok Choy grown in 45 days.

portable-farms-green interior-3

The kale and butterhead lettuce were planted about 35 days ago. The tall basil plants (25″) were planted 50 days ago. The cucumbers and tomatoes (background) were planted 62 days ago. We ask you . . . have you ever grown plants as quickly, or as healthy, or as GREEN as the ones in this photo? We wish you were here for lunch, we would serve you a salad you would never forget!


Graduates often build and install one Model Portable Farms® Aquaponics System over a single weekend.

  • You will need these tools: power saw, hammer, power drill, level, hydraulic jack (for leveling), staple gun, hack saw or PVC pipe cutter, box cutter and maybe a few band-aids.
  • Think of the Grow Table as a large shallow tray on legs. You will need two people, three is better because the Grow Table is heavy.
  • The hardest part of the process is washing and placing the gravel a slow, heavy and wet process best delegated to young, strong helpers.
  • Building a Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Module does requires some carpentry skills and a person with the skills to hang a door or build a cabinet will do a fine job.

To find out what is IN the Portable Farms® Kit and what is NOT in the Portable Farms® Kit , please request the FREE AND INSTANTANEOUS PRICE LIST (top right box on every page of this website).

Let us teach you how to grow healthy fish and vegetables so you can become increasingly self-sustaining.

  • Our 45 years of experience in aquaponics is now available to teach you how to feed your family FOREVER. [Read our History: CLICK HERE] It only takes a few days to learn the areas related to assembling an aquaponics system  so you can build your own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.

 Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Course©

One 200 sq ft single module of a
Portable Farms® Aquaponics System feeds 8 people.
Want to feed more people? Add more modules.

Well THAT was easy . . 

  • Paying clients for Aquaponics University may ask for and receive a full refund of their tuition up until they have logged into the online aquaponics course because the user has received protected intellectual property and gained benefits from the Course Materials.
  • The instructions contained in the Aquaponics University Course are designed to be presented to create a working Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems that operates correctly and successfully as stated in our literature as soon as it is completed and turned on. Any deviations regarding design layout, size of Grow Table or Fish Tank, height of grow tray, depth of Grow Tables or Fish Tank, fish-stocking rate, PVC diameter and connections, placement within a structure with recommendations for air flow, protection from weather elements and insects, recommendation for size of air pumps and siphon pump, timing for the pumping systems or any other nonstandard installation changes will void any and all guarantees and warranties. If there are any deviations to these and other specifications covered in the Aquaponics University course, there will be no follow up support forthcoming.
  • If any problems that arise with a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System that has been built to the specifications in the Aquaponics University course, when you contact PFAS LLC, please include .jpg images* and complete written descriptions of the ‘problem’ so we can contact you with help in solving any issues you may have for moving your project forward.
*.jpg format: Minimum size image of 7″ wide x 5.75 wide – resolution 300 – or 2100 pix wide and 1575 height