Become a Backyard Farmer

Become a Backyard Farmer
with Portable Farms® Aquaponics System

Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, Harvesting fresh greens from their Portable Farms.

Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor. Phyllis is President of PFAS LLC. To see Phyllis Davis and get to know her and see her knowledge and passion for aquaponics, view her 8-minute YouTube Videoof her award winning presentation (Second Prize) at an inventors contest in Southern California.


To find out what is IN the Portable Farms® Kit and what is NOT in the Portable Farms® Kit , please request the FREE AND INSTANTANEOUS PRICE LIST (second box on top panel on every page of this website).

Please EMAIL US with a request to buy a Portable Farms Aquaponics System and we’ll send you an invoice for payment.

You may pay with PayPal, Major Credit Cards and Wire Transfers. If you’d prefer, you may call us to give us your credit number over the phone: 800-906-0256 OR 800-952-6224. We also accept checks, wire transfers and money orders.

Shipping and postage are included to addresses in the US only, BUT for all order outside the US there is a US$140 shipping and handling charge. 

Build, own and operate your own backyard aquaponics system.
One module of Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems feeds a family of eight year round.
Install twenty to thirty modules and sell the food you grow in a commercial aquaponics operation.

PFAS LLC offers a self-paced online course that teaches users how to assemble and operate a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.  Most students dedicate an hour per day for a week or ten days to complete the course. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, graduates receive a Portable Farms® Kit used in the assembly of the aquaponics module that is capable of feeding eight people table vegetables and fish . . . forever.  

To view photos of food that is commonly grow in Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems: CLICK HERE.

Aquaponics is easier and more productive than organic gardening or traditional agriculture and uses 95% less water. Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems also use less electricity and less labor than any other aquaponics system in the world.

“What will my installation cost me?”

The larger the aquaponics system you build, the better the investment it is because you’re growing more food and saving on food costs at your local market. It’s a true but sad fact that a very small backyard aquaponics system is not the best ‘financial investment,’ but you WILL have a year round supply of the freshest, best tasting and most nutritious food you can buy. Please note: IT’S THE GREENHOUSE THAT IS EXPENSIVE and NOT the aquaponics technology or building materials.
This 10′ x 16′ greenhouse is large enough to hold one 5′ x 12′ grow table capable of feeding two people table vegetables FOREVER. 
  • According to the Craftsman National Building Cost Estimator program, the pricing on a greenhouse measuring 12′ x 12′ would be around $3587, or $25 per square foot. By adding in all the other components for building a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System (training – with includes your Portable Farms Kit and other materials) the cost is about $35 per square foot.

 farm 8 18 2012

 CLICK HERE to read article and view more images of this farm.

newfarm plantedThis new Portable Farms® Aquaponics System (above) is fully solar powered. This new Portable Farms® Aquaponics System has one grow tray that is 6’x16’ (96 sq ft of grow space) which feeds four people FOREVER. 

  • We have incorporated all that we have learned into this sleek new state-of-the-art aquaponics system which is an upgraded version of all the systems we have ever designed or built and it is an efficient and beautiful system that is easy-top-operate and FULLY run on one single solar panel (off back left side of photo on outside of lanai).

tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus

Enjoy Tilapia as a Low Calorie, Low Fat, High Protein Alternative to a Skinless Chicken Breast

* 4 oz Tilapia fillet – 105 calories, 1 gram fat, 23 grams protein

* 4 oz skinless chicken breast – 140 calories, 2 grams fat, 33 grams protein

You can learn everything you need to know about building your own aquaponics system and growing healthy food by taking our FUN and easy-to-follow NEW ONLINE correspondence course.

  • Learn how to grow healthy fish and vegetables so you can become increasingly self-sustaining.
  • Our 45 years of experience in aquaponics is now available to teach you how to feed your family FOREVER. [Read our History: CLICK HERE] It only takes a few days to learn the areas related to assembling an aquaponics system  so you can build your own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System!
  • Aquaponics is easier and more productive than organic gardening or traditional agriculture and uses 95% less water. Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems also use less electricity and less labor than any other aquaponics system in the world.
Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, Harvesting fresh greens from their Portable Farms.

 Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems holding a freshly harvested bouquet of fresh greens.

Feed pesticide-free table vegetables to your family . . . FROM FARM TO FORK.

Feed home-grown fish to your family . . . FROM TANK TO TABLE.


EMAIL OR CALL US with your questions AFTER you have searched our website for your answers. There are over 250 pages on this website and a SEARCH BOX in the top right hand corner of every page on our website. So please spend some time exploring and reading our website prior to contacting us. We receive thousands of phone calls and emails per month and we do our best to address all the answers to common questions on our website. Thank you.

Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems GROW FOOD.

Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventors Holding 8 large heads of kale (leaves 46" long) in a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.

Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, Holding 8 large heads of kale (leaves 46″ long) in a Portable Farms® Aquaponics System.

Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems  Are the Most 
Productive and Reliable Aquaponics Systems in the World

  • Portable Farms® grow food in greenhouses, warehouses or underground structures.

  • Without the use of any pesticides, harsh chemicals, antibiotics or hormones. 

  • Portable Farms® use 95% less water than traditional agricultural methods.

  • Portable Farms® use less electrical power than any other aquaponics system in the world and can be solar or wind powered.

  • Portable Farms® provide table vegetables (greens and blooming plants such as tomatoes, peppers, etc.) and fish (tilapia) as a protein source to maintain optimal health.

  • Three people can operate one-quarter of an acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 240 people forever. Twelve people can operate one acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 1,000 people forever.

  • Portable Farms® can be operated by semi-skilled labor and people of almost any age (young and old).

  • Greens grown in Portable Farms® can be harvested in as few as 28 days after installation and continue producing forever .

  • Portable Farms® feed families, communities, cities, countries and the world.


To view photos of fresh food that is commonly grow in Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems: CLICK HERE.


Our 45 years of experience in aquaponics is now available to teach you how to feed your family FOREVER. [Read our History: CLICK HERE]


Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, holding a single head of Bok Choy in this Portable Farms® Aquaponics System that was grown in only 45 DAYS!

Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, holding a single head of Bok Choy in this Portable Farms® Aquaponics System that was grown in only 45 DAYS!

We have updated our business stuff January 2017, please read our
2017 Terms of Service, 2017 Disclaimer, 2017 Privacy Policy and 2017 Conditions of Use! Thanks!


farm 8 18 20125 Simple Steps for Becoming a Backyard Portable Farmer


1. How many people do you want to feed? With the Portable Farms® technology you can build a system that will feed as many as 8 people in a space of only 400 sq ft! If you want more Portable Farms® Kits for larger installations, you can purchase those separately. It generally takes 25 square feet of grow tray space to feed one person.


2. Consider your climatic requirements. You’ll need a small greenhouse in an area that gets six hours of sunlight every day. Take into consideration the climatic considerations for your geographic location. Does your area get very hot? Or cold? If so, You may need extra insulation in climatically adapted greenhouse or you may want to add Grow Lights to maintain maximum production year round.

portable-farms-aquaponics-course13. Take our aquaponics Course and be ready to receive the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Kit that comes with the Course. We accept PayPal, Visa and Master Card. If you’re interested in a backyard or a commercial aquaponics system, you’ll need to take our Course FIRST, and upon satisfactory completion of the course, you’ll receive one Portable Farms Kit as part of thee course©, so you can build your own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System. This price for the Course© includes the entire assembly, operations and maintenance course.

portable-farms-backyard-aquaponics14. Determine the best location for your Portable Farms® Aquaponics System in your backyard and install a greenhouse to protect your plants and fish from the weather and bugs in your area. Your location will require good sunlight exposure (6 hours per day, minimum), electrical service and available water.

Butter leave lettuce ready to harvest that is 12" in width. Tender, delicious and rich in flavor.

Butter leave lettuce ready to harvest that is 12″ in width. Tender, delicious and rich in flavor.

5. Install your Portable Farms® yourself, or hire someone who can do it for you. Then plant your seeds, put some fish in your fish tank and in 40 days you’ll have lettuces and greens. Easy.


Phyllis Davis, Co-Inventor, holding a bouquet of ‘greens’ grown in this Portable Farms® Aquaponics System in only 43 DAYS!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Happy Portable Farmer, Colle Davis (aka The Fish Whisperer), Inventor, with a single head of lettuce from one of his own Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems that was grown in only 40 days. This is an unretouched photo.

Yearly Production From Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems

A 100′ x 100′ ( 30m x 30m) unit produces 80,000 vegetables
and 23,000 pounds (10,400 kg) of fish

A 24′ x 46′ (7.3m x 14m) unit produces 8,600 vegetables
and 1,156 pounds (524 kg) of fish

A 10′ x 20 ( 3m x 6m) unit produces 1,100
vegetables and 400 pounds (180 kg) of fish


Beautiful Fresh Basil grown in Portable Farms® . 

Lane McClelland, Backyard Aquafarms, holding a single head of Swiss Chard grown in a Portable Farmsâ„¢ Aquaponics System

Lane McClelland holding a single head of Swiss Chard grown in a Portable Farms Aquaponics System

Cucumbers grow very well in Portable Farms!


2 thoughts on “Become a Backyard Farmer

  1. John Amuah

    I am in Ghana, West Africa. If you do not ship Rock Dust and Worm Castings outside the US, how can I make my backyard portable farm work successfully?

    1. portfarm4 Post author

      There are supplies of mineral rock dust everywhere in the world. Find one with NO nitrogen, aluminum or iron in it. The one we have available is the best we could find and by an odd coincidence the supplier was in our city.



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