Aquaponics Training Curriculum for Portable Farms®

Aquaponics Training Curriculum for Portable Farms® Course©


(left) A newly constructed Portable Farms® Aquaponics System prior to planting or installing the fish in the fish tanks.

(right) 40 days after the seedlings were planted in the Grow Tables and the fish were installed in the fish tanks.

  • Portable Farms® grow food in greenhouses, warehouses or underground structures
  • Without the use of any pesticides, harsh chemicals, antibiotics or hormones
  • Portable Farms® use 95% less water than traditional agricultural methods
  • Portable Farms® use less electrical power than any other aquaponics system in the world and can be solar or wind powered
  • Portable Farms® provide table vegetables (greens and blooming plants such as tomatoes, peppers, etc.) and fish (tilapia) as a protein source to maintain optimal health
  • Three people can operate one-quarter of an acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 240 people forever. Twelve people can operate one acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 1,000 people forever
  • Portable Farms® can be operated by semi-skilled labor and people of almost any age (young and old)
  • Greens grown in Portable Farms® can be harvested in as few as 28 days after installation and continue producing forever
  • Portable Farms® feed families, communities, cities, countries and the world.

One head of tokyo bekana (a mild Asian green) and one head of Swiss Chard grown in Portable Farms® by Colle Davis, lead inventor, Portable Farms®.

Our 45 years of experience in aquaponics is now available to teach you how to feed your family FOREVER. [Read our History: CLICK HERE]

It only takes a few days to learn the areas related to assembling an aquaponics system  so you can build your own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System! Aquaponics is easier and more productive than organic gardening or traditional agriculture and uses 95% less water. Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems also use less electricity and less labor than any other aquaponics system in the world.

Below is an outline of the 26 sections (A-Z) included in the Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© designed for training people to assemble, operate and raise healthy organic vegetables and aquatic animals (fish) in the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems through Aquaponics University, a wholly-owned training division of PFAS LLC.

Section A: Preface to coursework and overview with images for main components of the aquaponics system

  • Easy formulation for sizing needs based on number of people the aquaponics system will feed.
  • Calculation for determining the size required for the fish tank.
  • Grow lights for structures, locations or areas with limited available sunlight.
  • Overview for an acclimatized greenhouse structure for year-round growing in an aquaponics system.

Section B: Explanation of the components that are incorporated into the aquaponics system for easy care.

  • Ratios for grow space vs gallons of water required for an efficient aquaponics system.
  • Recommendations for sunscreen protection for interior of structure (greenhouse)
  • Determination for required feet ‘head room’ above grow trays for maximum plant production.

Section C: Terms and definition regarding the aquaponics system

  • Terms and their definition that are used in the coursework, assembly and operations.

Section D: Site requirements for the aquaponics system

  • Considerations prior to the installation of the structure (greenhouse).
  • Suggestions for basic requirements regarding installation of grow trays, air flow within the structure and alternative energy.

Section E: Materials lists and cost estimates for assembly of the aquaponics system

  • Materials lists and US prices (approximate) for lumber, fish tank, fish and other pertinent supplies and materials
  • Suggestions regarding the purchase of a breeding colony for aquaponics.

Section F: Assembly of clarifier (settling tank) as component of the aquaponics system

  • Explanation and basic operation of clarifier
  • Location, requirements, drum, PVC fittings,  and proper plumbing of clarifier.

Section G: Fish tanks and introducing the fish into the fish tank in the aquaponics system

  • The formula for the volume (size) of the fish tank
  • Fish recommendation
  • Recommended maximum loading capacity of the fish in relation to the size of the grow tray.
    Water temperature maintenance and insulation designs for maintaining recommended narrow temperature range for maximum fish health
  • Building a tank to protect the fish and maintain temperature range.

Section H: Assembly of grow tray tables in the aquaponics system

Directions for building and waterproofing methods for grow tray.
Examples for assembly of sturdy legs to support the weight of the grow tray.
Plumbing the grow tray for effective water flow to feed and water plants.
Effectively installing medium into grow tray.

Section I: Explanation of required necessary electrical components in the aquaponics system

  • List of electrical components, their function and installation

Section J: Calibrated Air Displacement (CAD) pump in the aquaponics system

  • Explanation, images and installation of the CAD pump.

Section K: Plumbing the aquaponics system for water flow in the aquaponics system

  • Instructions for connecting all the basic elements of the system together with PVC pipe.

Section L: Conclusion to assembly section for the aquaponics system

Section M: Basic operations of the aquaponics system

  • Information overview regarding the yields, care of plants and fish and the water in their tanks.

Section N: The fish and the support of their health and growth in the aquaponics system

  • Reasons for use of a variety of all-male fish in aquaponics
  • Feeding and care of the fish in the tanks
  • Restocking fish after harvest \Discussion for use of duck weed and suggestions and resources for raising duck weed for feeding fish.

Section O: Pumps in the aquaponics system

  • Overview and installation of pumps for moving water through the system.

Section P: Climate and weather specific operations and emergency solutions (due to power failure) in the aquaponics system.

  • Operating the system during normal weather conditions, hot conditions, cool or cold conditions and during emergency situations (power outages).

Section Q: The operations and cleaning of the clarifier in the aquaponics system

Directions for routine cleaning and disposal of the fish waste.
Maintenance of the clarifier for keeping the fish healthy and the plants happy and well fed.

Section R: The grow tray table and your plants in the aquaponics system

  • Vertical growing and trellis design features in the grow tray for maximum support of the growth of tall green plants or blooming plants.
  • Safety and hygiene issues for aquaponics that are vital to health of fish and plants.
    Plant and harvest suggestions for maintaining optimal growth in the grow tray.
  • Care and cleaning of the areas around the grow trays to maintain as clean an interior structure as possible for maximum healthy, safety and productivity of both plants and fish.

Section S: Seed planting and harvesting in the aquaponics system

  • Use of mineral rock dust when planting and growing all plants to support maximum growth.
  • Suggestions for organic growing mediums for planting seeds.
  • Seed and variety suggestions for growing greens and blooming plants.
  • Planting and caring for plants in the grow tray.
  • Indoor pollination suggestions.

Section T: The physical structure for the aquaponics system

  • Recommendation for a greenhouse cover that offers 83% diffusion for scattering light within interior of structure.
  • Sun shade for interior of structure.
  • Advantages for greenhouse structure
  • What NOT to do regarding physical structure.

Section U: Fish harvesting and restocking methods in the aquaponics system

  • Recommendations for harvesting only the fish in the tank that are harvest size.
  • Suggestions for creating minimal stress on the smaller fish that remain in the fish tank that were not harvested.

Section V: Fish processing and cooking freshly harvested fish in the aquaponics system

  • Humane way to fill fish.
  • Easy way to gut fish.
  • Simple way to fillet fish.

Section W: Ongoing operations of the aquaponics system

  • Recommended daily ‘chores’ for raising plants and fish.
  • Normal maintenance issues related to the gravel, fish tanks, clarifier for maximum production.
  • Routine cleanliness-related topics for healthy food and fish.
  • Methods for monitoring plants to assure no insects impact food within the structure.

Section X: Food safety and technology on-farm food safety in the aquaponics system

  • Good food practices on aquaponics farm offered by a major US university related to the following basic sanitation procedures to significantly minimize risks.
  • Key areas of food safety considerations in aquaponics include human sanitation, harvesting produce safely, managing warm-blooded animal feces, water sources for fish and produce, zoonoses prevention and disposing of the system’s waste water.

Section Y: Guidelines for growing health plants and fish in the aquaponics system

  • Worm casting tea as a foliage spray for enhanced plant health
  • Smoking prohibited due to Tobacco Mosaic Virus
  • Monitoring and adjusting pH balance to assure plant health and productivity as well as fish health and safety.

Section Z: Recognizing pests (bugs/insects) within the aquaponics system

  • Simple organic solutions for ridding pests from the structure.
  • Recommendations for protecting structure from pests.

Aquaponics University (AU) offers our own Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© that teaches individuals how to grow chemical-free food and fish in a closed-loop system.

REFUND POLICY: Please note. You may ask for and receive a full refund of your tuition you begin the course  because you will have access to the entire course curriculum.  At the point, there will be no refund because you have received access to all our Intellectual Property.

71 thoughts on “Aquaponics Training Curriculum for Portable Farms®

    1. portfarm4 Post author

      The AU Course is not available at this time. The company is being sold. Please check back in November to see if they will be offering it again.

  1. Pingback: Commercial Aquaponics’ Quick Start Guide – Dream Big - Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems

  2. Rich Mathis

    Is it possible to see pictures of the components that are included in the kit? Also, pictures of what is not included in the kit, with prices. I would like to see completed pictures of the size of what the kit Finnished product looks like.
    I am interested in building one however it is only my wife and myself what size do you recommend for 2 people?
    I want to take advantage of the sale but we are out of the country until November. We are both retired and on fixed income so think this may save us money.

    1. portfarm4 Post author

      Rich: The contents of the Portable Farms Kit are available on our website. Provide your first name and email address on the second box/right panel of every page of our website.

      You can feed two people with a small grow table and fish tank.

      Colle Davis

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  4. Michael

    Hi, I’m from Malaysia. Is it possible to pay just for the course and not the kit? If so, how much would it be?

    Michael from Malaysia

  5. Jordan Wolf

    Any chance you’d offer the Aquaponics University class in-person? I’m a high school teacher in New York City, and I’d love to combine the University with a visit to working aquaponic facilities next summer or in 2016. It would be more likely that travel and the cost of the AU might be something a granting organization would support more than just an online course.

    We’re in the early stages of having our roof certified for a greenhouse, but I can see this as the perfect direction for our science program.

    Jordan Wolf
    Flushing International High School

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Thank you for the inquiry concerning the possibility of an in-person training. The Aquaponics University Course in now only offered as an email correspondence course. In the past we offered the AU Course at our Research Center and found the vast differences in learning styles and speeds reduced the effectiveness of the method so we no only offer the Course by email. Because the AU Course is Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems technology specific in does not translate well to other aquaponics systems that are open source. There are now perhaps a half a dozen organizations that offer on-site training for general aquaponics and perhaps one or more of those would be better suited to your learning style.

      We trust this information is of some value to you. Good luck in all of your endeavors.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  6. saieswar

    hii,,iam from india,,iam interested to take this aquaponic course,,,whether i have to travel to ur place to take the course or is there any online course,,,

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The AU Course is an email correspondence course. The information is sent to you by email and you are tested on each section before the next set of sections are sent to you. We have students all over the world how have completed the AU Course. Most people take two to three weeks to complete the Course and upon satisfactory completion we send your the PFAS Kit. You will have to pay the postage and any customs for the PFAS Kit. The PFAS Kit containing the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems technology is only 30cm x30cm x 20cm and 7kilos in size.

      We look forward to having you as a student.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      We do not sell to China and most of Southeast Asia due to Intellectual Property Rights violations. Sorry.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  7. YRB

    I love your passion. A good looking ready to go kit is fantastic. Have you included in your course the California Fish and Game Laws and Licensing requirement for growing fish for food? I gave up on this idea as a home owner as the local contact here in Riverside County read from the code book, any fish to be consumed must be caught by hook and line unless produced as a commercial product and a commercial aquaponics license is cost prohibitive as it would include all sorts of hoops and reports to file.

    This is several years ago. So the CDFG may have different view on the matter. I am looking to relocate to Twentynine Palms area some time in the future, and due to soil, and environmental extremes I am re-thinking using this approach for my personal garden. (Of course I’d have plenty to share or use for barter). I am not a big fish eater as I prefer to get my proteins from beans and grains. So I am thinking of having my fish be “Ornamental” Koi perhaps if the CDFG can’t adjust to the backyard gardener harvesting their own fish to eat with a net.

    I have not purchased my cabin yet, do you suggest I get on District Water or old out for a piece of land with a Haul tank or well? How much water will be used in a small system per month in our hotter and dryer environment?

    Thanks again.


    1. portfarm4 Post author


      One of the very first items we have people who have an interest in the PFAS is for them to check with Fish and Wildlife in their area about raising tilapia. If you are going to raise koi it is a moot question anyway.

      Under the extreme conditions of the area you are interested in locating the water usage for a small PFAS will be in the 40 to 50 gallons per day MAXIMUM. Not really an issue. Make your choice based on your needs and convenience.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  8. tonio pomare

    hello from down under new zealand

    i am very interested in doing your course on commercial aquaponics and also being a agent for your product line as this will be a new adventure for me and my crew we are presently growing orchids for 6months of the year in 6 green houses and looking at converting 2 of them to aquaponics any advise is good advice cheers

    1. portfarm4 Post author

      Tonio: Thanks for your inquiry. We require you answer the six questions regarding your project posted on the front page of our website: . After you send us the answers to those 6 questions, we’ll send you a document about commercial growing with aquaponics. After that, if you’d like more information, we’ll ask you to sign a Mutual Non-Discloure Form and we’ll send you our Executive Summary which is the ‘business’ side of aquaponics. If you already have greenhouses, that’s the majority of the cost associated with aquaponics and you are already a step ahead as long as there is a concrete slab on the floor of the greenhouse. If you’re interested in being an agent for Portable Farms, that discussion comes after you have studied our Executive Summary. I hope this answered your questions. If not, please reply directly via email: . Thanks. Colle Davis, CEO, PFAS LLC

  9. Gary Martin

    Hi Colle,
    I am interested to know why you choose to use the grey gravel versus the clay balls I’ve seen others use for the grow bed.
    We will be taking the online course probably next fall. I really like your organized and well thought out approach.

    Lindale, Texas

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Thank you for the very kind words. The choice of gravel was made after experimentation with every kind of medium we could find. The clay balls do not support the plants well and are expensive. The gravel can be the least expensive locally obtained rock and it has to be cleaned exceptionally well.

      We look forward to having you as a student.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Yes. The Portable Farms® Aquaponics System is always housed in a climatically adapted structure where the temperature is maintained between 45 and 104 degrees F. The use of vents and shade clothe prevent the temperature from exceeding the upper range.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  10. James Brady

    I’m looking to build out 10,000 square feet Greenhouse for Aquaponics by years end. I love your system and course offering and will consider taking the online class.


    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Thank you for the kind words. Consider taking the course as soon as possible so you have a deep understanding of exactly what is required to be successful in commercial aquaponics. We look forward to having you as a student.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  11. Margaret

    Hello my name is Margaret is the greenhouse in which protects the aquaponics system
    Included in the 2500 aquaponics kit and certification classes?

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      No. The AU Course includes the email correspondence course and the PFAS Kit. You will need to buy the materials to build the Grow Table, the AU Course shows you how, buy a Fish Tank and Clarifier drum and buy and build or have built the climatically adapted greenhouse. We suggest you build as large a greenhouse as you can afford so you can expand easily in the future.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  12. Zia

    I am interested to learn about this aquaponics, can you let me know what else do I get besides the soft copies of the course. And what does one do when he wants to setup one 200sq ft portable farm in Toronto, Canada.
    I want to grow green chillies, mint, coriander, cucumber, tomatoes , cabbage, zucchini and okra. can I grow all of them for a family of four.
    Do I receive a physical object or is it just drawings and plans in the kit.

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The AU Course is an email correspondence course and you receive the PFAS Kit upon satisfactory completion of the Course. We will be placing a link to the PRICE LIST on this site.

      If you read the main site at , it gives you a much more indepth understanding the technology itself and what you can raise.

      We look forward to having you as a student.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  13. Mark Airey

    HI ,I have been reading through your site for the last 3 days and it has me VERY interested in starting my own farm. Is there any way I can see (go to ) a working system before I commit to the whole kit -an -caboodle and the long term time, that a successful venture will require?
    The other question I have is what is the coast of additional kits once I have the 1st one running smoothly?
    I thank you in advance for any info you can give and also for ( IMO ) trying to educate people to a healthier ,cost affective way of getting food .

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      There are currently no ‘public’ access systems because of the liability insurance issue. Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems is not a concept, it is a proven system of aquaponics. We guarantee your system will work properly when you turn it on if you have followed the instructions we provide and we warrant all the components we provide in the PFAS Kit for one full year. If any component we supply fails in the first year, we replace it for FREE. You do have to pay the shipping to send the component back to us.

      On every page of the Portable Farms website on the right side there is a PRICE LIST request. Fill it in and up pops the price list covering all the components and the pricing structure for multiple PFAS Kits.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  14. Mihaela

    I plan to built a small pond for fishes and in the process I came upon aquaponics. We live in Romania and in our country there is little information on this subject. I read your posts above that you don’t recommend earth ponds for aquaponics. Does it change if i use insulation for the water? Meaning that the pit will be first covered by some rubber membranes and after that the water and fishes will be put inside. Is this way safe to use the water for the plants? Thank you

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      We do not recommend a pond for the fish and water because it can not be heated and the water quality can not be controlled. This does not mean you can not use a pond, it means you cannot use the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems with a pond.

      Good luck.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  15. Raja

    Will it work in South of India where the winter temperatures are in the range of 15 to 20 Deg C and summers can be as high as 40 Deg C?. Do you any License holder for India?.

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Yes. The climatically adapted structure only needs to keep the temperature between 4 and 40 Deg C. There are several companies wanting the Territorial PFAS Technology License in India. None have brought forth the required credentials or money. You will receive a separate email covering the PFAS Licensing Fact Sheet. Please also look at our main website Portable Farms.

      We trust this information help you move your project forward.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  16. Somi

    I want to use the “Bill Me Later” option with PayPal when I sign up. I want to start
    the course when I sign up. Will I be able to begin the course training when I sign
    up using the “Bill Me Later” option or do I have to wait until it is paid for in full within
    the 6 month time frame?

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The “Bill Me Later” is being offered by PayPal, not by our company. If you qualify for the “Bill Me Later” program, PFAS LLC (our company) will get paid upon that approval. Then as soon as those funds clear our system you can start the AU Course immediately. It is up to PayPal to decide if they want to extend the credit to you. We have no control over that business arrangement. It is strictly between you and the funding company.

      When you sign up, the process will pause while your credit worthiness is assessed and if they feel you are qualified then they will clear the transaction and PFAS LLC will receive the payment and you will be paying them ‘as agreed’ on some mutually agreeable time frame.

      We trust this addresses your question and we look forward to having you participate as a student.

      Colle Davis – CEO

      1. Somi

        Thank you for your prompt relpy to my “Bill Me Later” using PayPal question.
        Yes your answer does give me the information I wanted. I will be signing up soon.
        I am looking forward to it.

        1. portfarm4 Post author


          You’re welcome, my pleasure. We look forward to having you as a student.

          Colle Davis – Inventor

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Yes, the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems are being used more and more in warehouses and large empty buildings. These installations obviously need to have grow lights and require more electricity. The trade off is the capital expense (building) is far lower even though the operating expense (electricity) will be much higher in an enclosed building. Often the buildings are virtually free, however the ongoing expenses will always be more than in a greenhouse because the free sunlight is not available. Each installation is unique and the cost/operating expenses can only be justified IF the local market will support the locally grown, pesticide free food being produced.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  17. Seopedi

    I am a lady who is very much interested in being a commercial aquaponics farmer and would like to buy the Portable Farms since i have ead that they save water and easy manageable etc. I am therefore wondering if buying the portable farms is possible since i am in Botswana and maybe i can also be your agent here. Please respond since i have a piece of land for integrated farming and hydroponics and aquaponics has been part of my dream but just looking around for a better system which i have now found in yours. I am at the moment in a process of doing a business plan to submit to one of the financial institution here.
    Your response therefore will add value to my plans and the business plan.

    Thank you


    1. portfarm4 Post author


      I have forwarded your request to the Botswana Country Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems License Holder. His company is preparing for the public announcement of their grande opening which will be in the very near future. He will respond to you directly.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  18. Julie


    I am interesting to involve this business and doing some feasibility. We are wondering where can we get the Tilapia from? I don’t think we have Tilapia in Mongolia. Could you please help us to provide some information?

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Tilapia can be shipped to most countries. Check with your local authorities and if the fish are allowed we will put you touch with breeders who can ship them to you. Your best bet is to purchase a breeding colony to keep up with your harvest of the fish.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  19. norman


    I went to order the PFAS online course and the website asked, “where would you like to ship.” This froze me for I thought the course was online. I work on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico and will not be at the house for another three weeks. I want to study the material during my off time on the boat. Please advise how I am to receive the course material. Also, I could not find the bill me later option when trying to pay for the course. Has this been dicontinued?

    Norman Kent

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The shipping address is necessary for two reason: 1: Billing address/shipping address because you billing and shipping address may be different and 2: More importantly to you, is we need to know where to ship your Diploma and the PFAS Kit.

      The AU Course material is supplied by email. The Bill-Me-Later option is on the PayPal website that pops up when you press the BUY Button.

      We trust this information helps. We look forward to having you as a student.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  20. portfarm4 Post author


    Sure if you can find plants that love cold water and use someone else’s system. PFAS is specifically designed to keep fish and plants happy. Most plants do best at 73 degrees and trout like 60 or lower, not a good mix. A climatically adapted structure is required. Air conditioning is seldom required.

    Colle Davis – Inventor.

  21. Reiko

    What kind of fish can be used and does size become an issue? For example, red snapper can grow quite large, can that be used and at what size would it be harvested?

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      You have not read the website or you would know that salt water fish are never used because plants do not like salt water. Size is not a problem.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Sure, simply name the fish and use koi, goldfish, carp or tilapia so you can enjoy their company and you don’t have to eat them. You need the fish poop or it becomes hydroponics.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  22. T

    sorry if i missed this on an earlier page but is there a separate course for commercial farming and what are the details of the credentials of investors and market analysis that would be satisfactory to you. just crossing mt T’s and dotting my I’s. look forward to feeding many hungry mouths in my area.

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The two AU Courses are different. The AU Course for Certification that we provide for backyard farming for individuals, covers the entire process from site choice, to site prep, to building the Grow Trays, assembling the PFAS Module and the complete Operations and Healthy plants and fish sections. The
      COMMERCIAL AU Course for Operators covers only the Operations, Maintenance and Healthy plants and fish sections. Operators of the COMMERCIAL installations do not need to know how to assemble the installations.

      The training for the Commercial Installers/assembly is done on site by a our site manager/foreman. His job is also to site train the new Operators who have already satisfactorily completed the online correspondences AU Operator Course.

      Your investors are vetted by you, not us. Your market survey and its potential are what your investors will be basing their financial judgements on concerning your project. Having a defined local market survey completed is the single most important step in the 5 Phases of Commercial Installations. Without it you will not know how large to make your first installations and what the potential for grow will be for your expansion.

      I trust this helps to clarify the difference between the AU Courses, the logic behind the differences and the process for capitalizing your project.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The web traffic we receive has Florida in second place. This means that next to California, Florida has the most people interested in aquaponics. Our sites receive over 100,000 unique views each month and the number of Aquaponics University students is steadily increasing, Florida is again in second slot. Go on YouTube and search for ‘aquaponics’ and Florida, Hawaii and Australia are at the top of the list for numbers of submissions. Aquaponics is growing more popular every day in Florida.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  23. Evripides

    Hello there, I was just wondering if it is possible to buy the course notes with out the portable farm kit at a reduced price. I am asking you this because i live in Europe therefore i dont think its possible to ship the kit overseas or if you do it would be really expensive. I also wanted to ask you what exactly is included in the kit?

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The list of exactly what is included in the PFAS Kit and what is not, is available by requesting the PRICE LIST. On every page, right column, second box down. Email address, first name, SUBMIT and voila, up pops the price list. The PFAS Kit weighs approximately 7 kilos and costs approximately US$100 to ship to Europe. If you do not want the PFAS Kit, you will still pay the full price of the AU Course.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Thank you for your inquiry into selling our PFAS in Nigeria. We already have a 600m2 installation in Lagos. If you can invest approximately US$200,000 we can have a discussion on placing a commercial unit in your area and helping you obtain a license for a territory within Nigeria.

      We do not sell the small units outside the US and Canada. If there is a License Holder in a country or territory, they are more than welcome to sell the smaller units. The License Holder in Lagos has chosen not to be on the sales side only the production of organic food.

      Please do let us know if this venture is within your realm of possibility.

      Talk soon.
      Colle Davis, Director

  24. Jaymie O'Dell

    I have spent about 15 minutes trying to find the cost of the 8 people size kit and can’t find anything about it. Please let me know how much that is.
    Thank you,

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The two links in the text box take you to the Aquaponics Course and the PFAS Kit page. The Portable Farms™ Aquaponics Systems Kit Option 2 is part of the course.

      If you only want the PFAS Kit Option 2 here is the page with that information.

      We look forward to your order.

      Colle Davis, Director

  25. Mansoor Teli

    I am very much interested in starting up an aquaponics farm in Karachi, Pakistan. I have gone through your website in quite some detail but will need some more information. I am interested in doing the online course as well. Can you please give me details on that?

    By the way, I can also come to visit you in the US if you think that could help.

    Need information on getting the license as well.



    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Thank you for your inquiry into aquaponics in Karachi, Pakistan. Completing the online course is the best way to start because it gives you the information you need to build and expand the systems. The details on the course are under “Commercial Course’ on the front page of this website.

      We are in the process of setting up a new commercial size demonstration installation in San Diego County and our plans are to have it available for tours the first week in June. It will be at our new headquarters and easily accessible for those traveling into Southern California.

      Please see Technology Licensing. We are rewriting the licensing process to be simpler and more lucrative for the License Holders. The rewrite should be done shortly before the new demo site is open to the public.

      Talk soon.
      Colle Davis, Director

  26. Javier Franco

    I am very interested in obtaining the certification and to start the implementation of it , however the initial start up cost is a little much. Do you have any payment options for the certification? And if not is that something you would consider.

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      We very much understand your concern. We suggest that you start putting money aside now and when you have enough to pay for the Certification Course in full, then start the course. IF we offered a payment plan, which we do not, you would not be able to start the course until it was fully paid for anyway. We have considered it and choose to not offer a payment plan at this time because it causes too many problems for everyone.

      Colle Davis, Director

  27. Marcus Awoh

    I have a farmland of an acre outside lagos in Nigeria and already constructed 6 concrete ponds of 2m x 4m x 6m each for African cat fish production and 2 earth ponds 1m x 15m x 40m each for Tillapia production; The plan is that the waste water from the concrete ponds empties into the earth ponds.
    My question is; (A) Can i use the earth ponds for aquaponics?
    (B) Can the remaining land fit in for commercial purpose aquaponics and how.
    I am already registering for the course now.
    Thanks for sending me this E-mail as I have been searching the web for weeks now for this. Aquaponics is not popular in Nigeria(my part) as there are vast fertile soil here, hence i want to help spread this method of farming.
    Marcus Awoh- Macmed Intergrated Farms.

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Congratulations on your great adventure. To answer your questions specifically:

      We do not recommend earthen ponds for our systems because of pathogens from the soil getting into the grow beds.

      You can use the rest of the land for the most amazing grow beds you will ever see.

      I have also sent you a more complete response in a separate email.

      Colle Davis, Director

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The people who take the course are incredibly dedicated and most spend less than two weeks to complete the course. They literally work on the course every day so they have the information and can become certified. Plus the Commercial Course includes a PFAS Kit Option 2 so they can build their own immediately.

      Colle Davis, Director


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