Become a Commercial Farmer

Become a Commercial Aquaponics Farmer

  • Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems grow vegetables and fish to feed 240 people in a 10,000 square foot greenhouse (30m x 30m).
  • Feed 1,000 people in four-10,000 square foot greenhouses on one acre (929 square meters).  One acre of aquaponics creates a minimum of twelve new jobs.

Commercial 10,000 sq ft Portable Farms Aquaponics System in Botswana, Africa

Commercial Portable Farms® Aquaponics System in Botswana, Africa. 100′ x 100′ (30m x 30m) 


Grow food year round in any climate.

  • To find out what is IN the Portable Farms® Kit and what is NOT in the Portable Farms® Kit , please request the FREE AND INSTANTANEOUS PRICE LIST (second box on top panel on every page of this website).
  • Please EMAIL US with a request to buy a Portable Farms Aquaponics System and we’ll send you an invoice for payment.
  • You may pay with PayPal, Major Credit Cards and Wire Transfers. If you’d prefer, you may call us to give us your credit number over the phone: 800-906-0256 OR 800-952-6224. We also accept checks, wire transfers and money orders.
  • Shipping and postage are included to addresses in the US only, BUT for all order outside the US there is a US$140 shipping and handling charge. 


  • Portable Farms® grow food in greenhouses, warehouses or underground structures
  • Without the use of any pesticides, harsh chemicals, antibiotics or hormones 
  • Portable Farms® use 95% less water than traditional agricultural methods
  • Portable Farms® use less electrical power than any other aquaponics system in the world and can be solar or wind powered
  • Portable Farms® provide table vegetables (greens and blooming plants such as tomatoes, peppers, etc.) and fish (tilapia) as a protein source to maintain optimal health
  • Three people can operate one-quarter of an acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 240 people forever. Twelve people can operate one acre of Portable Farms® which feeds 1,000 people forever
  • Portable Farms® can be operated by semi-skilled labor and people of almost any age (young and old)
  • Greens grown in Portable Farms® can be harvested in as few as 28 days after installation and continue producing forever
  • Portable Farms® feed families, communities, cities, countries and the world.

Year round and in any climate.

Yearly Production From Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems

A 100′ x 100′ ( 30m x 30m) unit produces 80,000 vegetables
and 23,000 pounds (10,400 kg) of fish

A 24′ x 46′ (7.3m x 14m) unit produces 8,600 vegetables
and 1,156 pounds (524 kg) of fish

A 10′ x 20 ( 3m x 6m) unit produces 1,100
vegetables and 400 pounds (180 kg) of fish 


1. Who is your market? The most lucrative markets are high-end restaurants, resort hotel, institutions, schools and prisons. Casinos are fantastic buyers also. Start by asking chefs in each location how many boxes of lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, etc. they use each week. Take the total amount of vegetables and divide it in half and build your first installation to produce to that level.

A 10,000 square foot commercial space has 6,000 square feet of growing space and feeds 240 people, year round, FOREVER.

2. Consider your climatic requirements. Take into consideration the climatic advantages and limitations for your geographic location. Does your area get very hot? Or cold? If so, you may need extra insulation and you may want to add Grow Lights to maintain maximum year-round production.

Portable Farms® will work with you to advise you on the vital facets for installing a climatically adapted structure so we can move forward to have the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Technology installed into the structure, and seven weeks later you will be producing an income stream.

3. If you are serious about aquaponics, and you have your funding in place, we will provide you with the documentation necessary to begin this exciting and lucrative business venture. In most cases, you will have all of the resources in your area that are necessary to build your Portable Farms® installation.


4. Determine the best location for your Portable Farms® Aquaponics System. Your location will require good sunlight exposure (6 hours per day, minimum), electrical service and available water. Access by road is important because the installations are incredibly productive and you will need to bring small trucks to the facility nearly every day to pick up harvested vegetables to take them to your customers.

Portable Farms® offers a consulting agreement that will help insure the success of your installation.

5. Secure funding for your Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Technology, arrange for the designated personnel to operate your new Portable Farms® Aquaponics System to begin taking the Aquaponics University Portable Farms® Aquaponics System Course© and along with Portable Farms® you will begin to focus on scheduling the building of the climatically adapted structure to keep your project on track.


6. Work with the local governments and agencies to insure a smooth and problem free installation. Secure all necessary permits and permissions to satisfy the local requirements for your city, state and country.


7. Begin the actual construction of the installation, have your operators to begin the Aquaponics University Aquaponics Certification Course and notify your markets of the approximate date of their first orders arriving.

The ROI on commercial installations are in the 3 to 5 year range depending on local markets and the varieties of vegetables raised. Most commercial installations going into new buildings take approximately 90 to 150 days to have operational.

6 thoughts on “Become a Commercial Farmer

  1. Ray Gingrich

    Please let me know what is in the equipment box that you offer with your training. Will you also provide ph numbers for available fri and perhaps how to sell excess fish if this grows into a business for us.

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Please request the PRICE LIST that is available on every page of the Portable Farms website. That covers what is in the PFAS Kit.

      No and no. The pH is covered in the AU Course and the marketing of the fish is your business.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  2. Kaui Trainer

    I live on the Big Island and am very interested in starting an aquaponics farm. I would like to start with, perhaps, a 1/8 acre greenhouse. Please could I have a price list?

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      We have made receiving the Price List as simple as possible. On the right-hand column the second box down is a box labeled PRICE LIST. Fill it in and Voila, up pops the price list.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  3. brent

    Hi – I live in Colorado. Where is the closest city I can go to see one of your systems?
    Brent ………….

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The closest ‘public’ installation is in San Diego. Funny thing about people who have backyard installations, they do NOT want their neighbors and absolutely do not want strangers coming to look at their installation. When you get yours up you will feel the same way. Unless you want to charge for tours, people coming to your house is not a good idea.

      I trust this helps in some way.

      Colle Davis – Inventor


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