Contact Us

Aquaponics University

Friends, it is time for us to say goodbye. We will no longer be offering Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems for sale and we will be closing Aquaponics University. After 15 years of providing our technology and training, Colle and Phyllis Davis are moving on to other projects. If you, your group, or company would like to buy our company to build or sell unlimited numbers of Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems, please contact us, and we will send you a copy of our Offering Document.

Please contact Colle Davis, EMAIL, or call him at 804-467-1536 EST. If you own a Portable Farm and need to speak to Colle in the future, please use this EMAIL.

Happy Holidays to you and your family. May 2023 be filled with joy, love, good health, and prosperity.

Thank you all for being a part of the Portable Farms® Family since 2008.

Colle and Phyllis Davis


Aquaponics University Online Courses are offered to residents of the US and Canada and certain other countries.

804-467-3752 (EST)


Both Portable Farms© Aquaponics Systems and Aquaponics University are wholly owned by PFAS LLC, a Virginia based LLC, USA.

The FULL Price List includes
what is in the Portable Farms
® Kit and what is and what is NOT included.

GO TO SECOND BOX ON RIGHT PANEL OF WEBSITE: After providing us with your first name and email address,  a link to the price list appears (in two seconds) under the box. 
Please EMAIL US with a request to buy a Portable Farms Aquaponics System and we’ll send you an invoice for payment.
You may pay with PayPal, Major Credit Cards and Wire Transfers. If you’d prefer, you may call us to give us your credit number over the phone: 800-906-0256 OR 800-952-6224. We also accept checks, wire transfers and money orders.

Shipping and postage are included to addresses in the US only, BUT for all order outside the US there is a US$140 shipping and handling charge. 

10 A fresh bouquet of greens (kale and Swiss Chard) grown in 40 days in a Portable Farm.

21 thoughts on “Contact Us

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Yes, we have testimonials from our students and please forgive us, we’ve been so busy we neglected to post them. Thank you for the reminder. When they are posted they will not contain contact information because we do not share that type of information with anyone outside of our company.


  1. Dave Rousher

    Are you folks in Florida or California? I thought you were in Florida and some of your YouTube info talks about California? I can’t find on this email where your fall class will be held either, can you help me out please?


    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Our headquarters has been in Florida for the past two years. We spent a couple of decades in California and moved our company to Florida two years ago.

      The Aquaponics University Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems Course© is an email correspondence course similar to the ones from Oxford and other major universities. It can be taken at your own pace and you can take up to one year to complete the course. The AU Course also includes the Portable Farms® Kit which is sent to you upon satisfactory completion of the AU Course along with your Diploma.

      We trust this information addresses your questions satisfactorily.


  2. sai eswar

    hi iam from india,,just i want to know whether this course is online course or i have to visit this farm,,,iam personally interested to visit your farm,,can u ship portable farm to india?

    i must say this to u,,u people are awesome,,,in future it will be like a aquaponic revolution,,,u people definitely working hard to keep hunger in the world

    ,and i also need the licensing information of portable forms in india,,do u have license in india?

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The Aquaponics University Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems Course© is an email correspondence course that you take at your own rate. Most students complete the course in two to three weeks.

      The only items that we ship to our students and customers is the Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems technology components. The PFAS Kit box of components is 12″ x 12″ x 8″ (30cm x 30 cm x 20cm) weighing 16lbs (7kilos). If you purchase more than one PFAS Kit, we sometimes place multiple Kits in a single box for shipping. Your organization is responsible for building the greenhouse to the specific climatic conditions of the area in order to keep the temperature within the range of 5 to 40 C. We do not sell, ship or build greenhouses. The materials, lumber and plumbing components for the PFAS Module Grow Tables and Fish Tanks are available locally everywhere in the world.

      If you build a commercial PFAS Unit then part of the agreement is for our construction foreman to be on site to train your staff to build the modules so you can continue to construct more modules. The Operators will be trained at a rate of 1 Operator per 10 PFAS Modules through the Aquaponics University Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems Course© and the construction foreman will also demonstrate the skills necessary to successfully operate the installation while he is on site.

      The information on Licensing the Country or Territorial Portable Farms® Aquaponics Systems Technology is here and here. The License is based on the population of the territory or country. A PFAS Technology for all of India will be US$36Million. You may want to consider a smaller territory to begin your work. If you wish to receive more information on the licensing please respond to us directly and we will provide a Licensing Fact Sheet to you.

      We trust this addresses your questions in a adequate fashion and we look forward to having you as a student or client.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  3. Adrian Dyer

    I came across this website, and I am very interested in owning a system like this one. I have no problems taking the course and paying for the system, but is it possible that the system can be shipped to Caribbean countries such as Trinidad and Tobago?


    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The AU Course is an email correspondence course and the PFAS Kit that is send to you upon satisfactory completion is only 30cm x 30cm x 20cm and about 7kg. We ship the PFAS Kits all over the world. You will have to pay the shipping because your address is outside the US. The cost to Trinidad and Tobago is approximately US$140. If you go to our main website ( ) and request the Price List (top of the right column) it lists everything contained in the PFAS Kit.

      We trust this information is useful and we look forward to having you as a student.

      Colle Davis – Inventor

  4. Gary Traine

    I live in Western Australia and haven’t seen a system like this before. Do you have an Australian franchise, or is the option of receiving the kit still available to us here. Look forward to your response,

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      The PFAS is sold under license and there are currently no License Holders in your area. You certainly can take the Aquaponics University Course and have the PFAS Kit shipped to you. The shipping will be approximately US$185 and so far none of our students have been required to pay customs.

      Colle Davis – Inventor


    Hi all
    Am in the caribbean island of Trinidad, I just got my hands on 3 acres of farm land and am very interested in starting an aquaponics system….need any help or advice on a system to hold on that 3 acres size. Q. Is there a skype name i can contact someone at.

    1. portfarm4 Post author


      Thank you for your inquiry into bringing Portable Farms™ Aquaponics Systems to Trinidad. Three acres is a HUGE aquaponics installation. Please see Technology Licensing page for more information. We are currently rewriting the Licensing Structure to be easier to understand and more lucrative for the License Holders and plan on having that available in a few weeks. Meantime you may want to consider taking the Aquaponics Certification Course to be fully prepared to leverage your land and and ambition.

      Talk soon.
      Colle Davis, Director

    1. portfarm4 Post author

      Thank you for asking. At this time we do not have internship or apprenticeship programs available. Perhaps in the future. We will announce these types of changes in our offering in our newsletter.

      Colle Davis, Director

  6. Shean Smith

    Where does Aquaponics University get its accreditation from in order to officially certify others to do aquaponics?

    1. portfarm4 Post author

      Accreditation is part of the extended license Portable Farms Ltd. offers regarding our unique and proprietary technology for Portable Farms Aquaponics Systems. For more information, .

      Portable Farms Limited and Aquaponics University are constantly searching for the most efficient, effective and lowest energy usage methods of improving aquaponics. This effort covers all types of aquaponics whether it is a raft system, ebb and flow system, water based or media based system and all type of variations on the theme of aquaponics. Each of them have been explored and in most cases actually tested to see how well they function. The Aquaponics Certification training exposes participants to each of the unique methodologies devised by Portable Farms Ltd. and explains the advantages and disadvantages of each.


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